Ralf Brookes Mediator
Mediations and Foreclosure Mediations:
Certified Circuit Civil Mediator by the Florida Supreme Court.
Florida Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediator Certificate.
Florida Court Appointed Arbitrator.
- Pre-Suit Mediations
- Foreclosure Mediations
- Homeowner's Association Mediations
- Local Government Mediations
- Land Use and Zoning Mediations
- Environmental Mediations
Ralf Brookes is a Special Master for proceedings held pursuant to Florida's Environmental and Land Use Dispute Resolution Act, Section 70.51 Florida Statutes (2009)
Reserve a Full Day or a 1/2 Day to resolve your dispute
You will be glad you did !
Alternative Dispute Resolution can reduce fees and costs and time required in litigation.
*please reserve by email or phone directly with:
Ralf Brookes, Attorney 1217 E Cape Coral #107, Cape Coral Florida 33904 (239) 910-5464 phone/direct line Ralf@RalfBrookesAttorney.com
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The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. For a full list of references and qualifications or a free initial consultation, please contact us at
Ralf Brookes, Attorney 1217 E Cape Coral #107, Cape Coral Florida 33904 (239) 910-5464 phone ralf@ralfbrookesattorney.com
Communication via email with an attorney does not constitute an attorney-client relationship unless and until both parties agree to the terms of such a relationship.
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