Can the battle for conservation
and responsible development
in Florida be won?
Come and listen to someone who’s been fighting this battle on the front lines -- noted land use and environmental lawyer Ralf Brookes -- to learn about his experiences and his thoughts about the future….
…on Friday, March 15, 2013
at the Annual Meeting of the
Committee of the Islands
Controlled growth has become a passion for Ralf Brookes, who one commentator noted has a resume “that reads like a ‘good guy’ character in a Carl Hiaasen novel.” He represents cities like Bradenton Beach and Yankeetown, as well as private clients, in seemingly hard-to-win cases where the common thread is sensible development versus over-development -- exactly the challenges that our barrier island community works so hard to meet.
at the Sanibel Community House,
2173 Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island Florida
Join us for coffee and rolls at 9:00 AM. Meeting begins at 9:30.
For more information, email Committee
of the Islands at: